Experts Answer the Most Urgent Home Security Questions

Keeping your home safe is often a tedious yet necessary task that most homeowners must deal with to protect themselves from outside intruders. So Redfin sought out home security experts to answer the most pressing questions homeowners are searching for to get you one step closer to finding the perfect solution for your home!


Find their answers below:

How often & when should you change your locks?

Your locks should be changed whenever you move into a new home or any time you suspect someone you do not know/trust may have access to your home.

Unlike a forcible break-in, someone with a copy of your key can come and go undetected until you either notice missing items or, worse, discover and confront them in your home.

One way to change your locks is to have them rekeyed — changing the inside pinning so the old key no longer works and a new, differently cut key will work. Another way is to replace the locks entirely so the key for the old locks will not fit in the keyhole.

There are options for upgrading the security level of your existing locks and brands, and security levels can vary. Tell your locksmith what you want to achieve and ask for your options. – Discount – Locksmith


What factors should I consider when shopping for a smart lock?

There are many benefits to a smart lock, like having packages placed inside and not exposed to “porch pirates,” letting in guests, not needing to hire a locksmith to change locks, etc. But the benefits should never compromise the security of a lock. 

Pay attention to battery life, wireless connectivity, manufacturing quality, and multiple device risk (more connections increase the danger of exposure). Smart locks add convenience without compromising their primary purpose: security.

A smart lock without video is blind. Pin codes, e-keys, and remote unlocking based on text messages are convenient but leave room for hackers to procure private information and falsify their identity.

A live video assures you to know precisely who your visitors are, who may be accompanying them, and who is leaving and when.

As you research, you will discover that some intelligent locks come with wifi connectivity and others do not. Does it matter? Yes, if your lock is not wifi-enabled, the manufacturer will not be able to update your device with the necessary software and firmware updates.

You are essentially buying a dead-end product. – Get Gate


What is your recommendation for home security in rural versus urban areas?

Whether you have a home in an urban or rural area, it is necessary to remember that home security is a must.

If you have a home in an urban environment, you will experience sizable foot traffic, which means more potential burglars. As such, take an extra level of precaution by using higher security locks than you would if your home were not in a city or town.

Additionally, a security window film will make your windows more difficult to break, requiring potential intruders to hit your window harder and more frequently than unprotected windows.

That gives you more time to be alerted to their presence and encourages them to give up and leave. Finally, a video doorbell provides excellent protection against package thieves.

You will not have nearly as much foot traffic near your home in rural areas. Nevertheless, your home will feel more secure with the addition of motion-activated lights and a gated driveway.

While the former will alert you to any possible intruders and also serve to deter them, the latter will give you complete control over who enters and exits your driveway.

Regardless of where you live, make sure all locks on doors and windows are inspected and replaced by a professional. That will ensure that you have the right level of protection for your security needs. – Elite Locksmith


How do you spot locksmith fraud?

What you choose to invite into your home is a serious decision. Locksmiths become aware of personal information such as where you live, how to enter your house, and where you keep yourself safe.

We know you are entrusting us with your safety and personal information, so we want you to choose a reputable company.


Consumers should:

  • Do research ahead of time. Call around, check reviews, get their business license, locksmith license, and insurance information.
  • Get a quote upfront and if the scope of work changes on-site, agree on pricing before allowing them to proceed.
  • If you feel uncomfortable, do not be afraid to call the police.
  • Get a receipt when the job is completed.
  • Most locksmiths agree that red flags are:
  • No upfront pricing or super low pricing upfront
  • Non-work vehicle (e.g., unmarked sedan)
  • No business name on invoices
  • No insurance
  • No uniform
  • Bait and switch pricing (a larger-than-advertised bill once the job is done)
  • The locksmith immediately resorts to drilling the lock – 
  • 1800 Unlocks


Should you change the locks after buying a house?

Yes! When moving into a new house, the first thing you want to do is replace the old locks and ensure you are the only one in control at the moment. Do not wait for the old gardener to reappear in your backyard to realize you are not the only one with a key.

Is there a security routine required when moving to a new home?

To put it bluntly – no! The best solution is to ask a certified locksmith to replace your locks and refine your security systems, and no one else has the code. – Quickly, Miami Locksmith

How do I prevent Lock Bumping?

Lock bumping is when someone uses a specially made “bump key” to unlock and break a lock. Unfortunately, almost every tumbler lock is vulnerable to this method of lockpicking.


Based on my personal experience as a locksmith, the most complex locks to pick or bump are:

  • High-security locks
  • Commercial-grade locks
  • Kwikset smart key locks
  • Schlage locks G1-G3


High-security locks are made with complex and highly specialized key configurations that make standard tools and approaches to lockpicking or bumping almost useless.

Commercial-grade locks are 6-pin tumbler cylinder locks, making them very difficult to compromise.

When it comes to residential deadbolts, there are two leading companies in the market: Schlage and Kwikset. Although they are not the only companies, Schlage and Kwikset make the highest quality standard deadbolt locks. – MDM Locksmith


How to choose a home security system?

You should consider four factors before deciding which security system best suits your home.


Which type of monitoring device do you need


While it is the cheapest option, it is also the most susceptible to tampering. Best used in remote areas.



This connection is much safer than a landline. Although if your internet is down, your security system is as well.



The fastest and easiest to install, cellular systems are not susceptible to tampering but are the most costly of the group.


Installation Process

You have the option of employing professionals to install your home security system or going the DIY route.

If you elect to have your security system installed by professionals, you can continue to go about your day while it is installed. The drawback here is that there may be a fee for the service.

If you decide to do the installation yourself, the company will give you instructions. However, if you run into an issue, you can always ask them to send a professional to help you.



Home automation is the new wave as its features give you convenience and control.

However, you will typically purchase a larger package from the home security company to access this control. If you are not ready for the upgrade, ensure your security system has all the capabilities you will need in the future.



When choosing a specific home security system, consider the following fees: installation, monthly fee, service fee, relocation fee, and cancelation fee.

Prices will vary with company and package, so it is wise to compare different companies’ costs to decide where best to spend your money. – Blue Light Alarm


How to choose a pet-friendly home security system?

There are a few home security systems designed specifically with pets in mind.

Infrared Motion Sensors

As a homeowner with a playful cat or noisy dog, you may want to look for motion sensors with infrared support. Infrared motion sensors are activated by heat, so a small pet (up to about 50 lbs) probably won’t set one-off. 

However, if you have a giant pet, you may want to pick a home security company to control your motion sensors’ sensitivity. Lowering the sensitivity means your pet can walk by the alarm without setting it off while still picking up a much larger disturbance.

will still pick up a much larger disturbance

Sensor Placement

Deciding where to place your sensors may be the most necessary step in eliminating pet-related false alarms. A good trick is to put your motion sensors three to four feet off the ground and flip them upside down.

Typically, motion sensors look straight ahead and down towards the floor. However, by reversing the sensor upside down, it will now look straight ahead and up towards the ceiling instead. 

The upside-down trick allows your pet to stroll around underneath the height of the sensor without tripping it. Just make sure to test your sensors to make sure they still pick up human motion when they should.


Emergency Dispatch

Our pets do not have opposable thumbs, so if something terrible does happen, you will want to have a home security company that can leap into action.

First, select a system that offers professional monitoring. Then, if an intruder is really in your home, police can respond in time to protect your valuables and your pet. 

You may also want to consider a system that includes environmental sensors—like smoke detectors, flood sensors, or freeze sensors—so that if a fire, a burst pipe, or extra-low temperatures occur, this will also trigger a response by emergency responders.

When considering which system is best for you and your home, remember infrared sensors, the upside-down flip, and a connection to emergency dispatch will allow you to go about your day without worry and let your furry friends roam your home while you’re away. – SimpliSafe


What’s better, a wired or wireless house alarm system?

There are two different types of equipment and monitoring for home security systems: wired and wireless. Security systems that use wired equipment are hardwired into a home’s electrical system.

However, security systems that use wireless equipment and monitoring are becoming more popular because of their flexibility to install, use, upgrade, and move.

A wireless home security system uses sensors throughout the home that communicate wirelessly with the control panel, using radiofrequency technology. The control panel will then connect with the outside world using a cellular uplink.

On the other hand, a hardwired alarm system connects sensors to the control panel with a network of wires (concealed within the walls and floors of your home) and then to the outside world using your home’s telephone line.

While a wired system is more reliable, costs less, and doesn’t have batteries, it becomes useless during a power outage.

Wireless systems give you more options, including home automation, and don’t require the use of your power grid or landline.

Wireless systems continue to protect your home when the lights go out, but you need to charge their batteries, and the signal may be interrupted, causing false alarms. – I Smart Safe


How many motion sensors do I need in my house?

The typical home requires 1-2 motion sensors. For these to be effective, they should be installed by a professional.

Motion sensors are intelligent interior traps designed to detect and alert you of movement, but they don’t cover every square foot of interior space.

So before you can determine how many you need in your home, you will need to decide the type of motion sensor that best suits your needs.

Types of motion sensors:

  • Wireless PIR (passive infrared) senses temperature movement/differences like people.
  • Pet-immune motion sensor.
  • Dual technology motion sensors combine PIR & Doppler technology (which detects air movement). This type of motion sensor is used for harsher environments such as sunrooms & garages. – Absolute Security Alarms


Do I need window sensors on every window? How to determine the best number for your home?

It is not necessary to place a sensor on every window in your home most of the time. You typically only need window sensors on basement-level and first-floor windows, as those are the most common break-in entry points.

In some cases, it’s preferable to use a motion sensor or a glass break sensor instead of a window sensor. For example, if you want to secure a room with multiple windows, you may place one glass break sensor instead of several window sensors. 

A motion sensor can detect an intruder moving in its vicinity. That means you know when an intruder is in your home—whether they entered by opening or breaking a window or just walked through an unsecured door. – FrontPoint Security


What is a contact sensor? How do you determine the correct number of contact sensors for your home?

A contact sensor is a device that indicates whether something is open or closed. The most important doors in your home to protect are outside ground-level doors.

In most cases, a contact sensor is used to monitor a door or window but can also be used for other purposes.

A sensor usually has two pieces: one piece houses a transmitter to send signals to the security system and two pieces of metal surrounded by a glass tube called a “reed switch,” while the other part houses a magnet. 

When the magnet is placed near the transmitter, one piece of metal moves closer to the other, closing the circuit indicating a “closed” condition.

When the magnet moves away from the switch, the metal pieces move apart, opening the circuit, indicating an “open” state. Next, you install one part of the sensor on the door frame and the other on the door itself. 

When the door is closed, the magnet and switch are near each other, and the sensor reports that it is “closed,” but when the door opens, the magnet and control are separated, and the sensor reports that it is “open.”

Then when the system is armed, the opening of a window or door will signal the panel, setting off the alarm.

First, do a quick count of all the doors and windows you’d like to protect in your home. Protecting all outside doors is essential for a home security system as most burglars will come through a door instead of a window.

The second step is to go beyond your home security and consider anything you want to monitor inside your houses, such as the jewelry box or a gun safe. The more sensors you install, the more information you have to keep your home and family safe! – Mountain Alarm


How do motion sensors for outdoor lighting work? How should you determine if your home should have one?

Motion sensors for outdoor lighting are a great way to deter unwanted guests on your property while also alerting you of their presence. Motion sensors work by detecting infrared waves, sensing motion in any direction over a given range.

They work best in detecting warmer objects such as people, animals, or vehicles. When motion is detected, the light turns on a set of times.

Can set up other motion sensors to activate video cameras, take still images, and alert your security panel to trigger an alarm.

If you have entrances, windows, or areas around your home out of sight or not well lit, installing motion sensors with exterior lighting is an ideal way to protect your house, property, and your family. – Link Interactive


How safe is a wireless home security system? Can it be hacked?

Years ago, the only way to install devices for security was to drill through walls. Unfortunately, that required a lot of time and could cause water damage to the home.

Today, wireless technology has emerged as the answer. Wireless security systems can even integrate lighting, thermostats, locks, and garage doors to control right from your phone.

These features utilize a GSM module for control. As a cellular communicator sends the signals, there’s no need to worry about phone lines going out for extended periods.

Whether this system is susceptible to hacking depends on the equipment, proper installation, and most importantly, the company supporting it.

However, DIY systems have become available through retail and mail orders to the public. They typically cost less than a professionally installed security system but lack many capabilities and safeguards. Transmitting a signal for help is crucial for any alarm system. 

Many of the DIY systems depend upon the internet for communication. A lapse or interruption of internet service will stop a signal from being sent. Standard internet service is also susceptible to being hacked. – Pass Security


What is the benefit of a security system that automatically calls the police versus one that does not?

Life is unpredictable, and break-ins, gas leaks, fires, and medical emergencies do not care if you’re able to dial 911. That’s what a UL-certified monitoring station is for. 

In case of situations when you can’t get to your phone or tablet in time, or you aren’t home to handle the situation, these systems call the emergency contact list in the order specified, and the necessary authorities prevent loss and damage.

Having a security system monitored 24-hours a day does not mean that you should not have safety measures and emergency evacuation plans in place. It simply means that you are not alone when the unthinkable happens. – Ackerman Security


Should I display window decals and a yard sign?

Yard signs are a good deterrent for passing cars or people to see. On the other hand, window decals are great for when a person is close to the house.

For example, you should have a decal near the front door to remind that security cameras are recording. In addition, you should position one on the garage window to inform potential intruders that breaking in is not a good idea.

Having yard signs and window decals is more beneficial than not having them, as you are less likely to experience an intruder breaking into your home. – Orange Security.


How necessary are outdoor sirens?

All Ring security cameras feature a siren to scare off intruders. So if a Ring user answers a Ring Motion Alert on their phone, for example, and they see an unknown person on their property, they can speak with them through the cam and even set off the siren to scare them off the property.

Sirens are necessary because they can alert both homeowners and neighbors to a break-in, whether it takes place while you’re asleep or out of the house.

It also lets the burglar know that you and your neighbors are aware of their presence and that the police are probably on their way. No home wouldn’t be made safer by the existence of an outdoor siren. – Ring.


How important is a home security system with audio versus one without it?

That will largely depend on how you intend to use this capability. For example, having security cameras capable of recording audio can be great for monitoring people who come to your door. They can also prove beneficial if someone unlawfully enters your home. 

However, you need to know and understand your local wiretap laws as these laws will vary from state to state, and depending on how you intend to use the recordings, you could potentially be breaking the law.

Having audio cameras in your home is generally acceptable, and you usually would not be breaking any laws if you are not doing anything with the recordings.

The trouble comes when you share the tapes or use information gathered from them. In most states, a person who enters a private residence unlawfully forfeits any right to privacy. 

However, in most other circumstances where you intend to share or use information gathered from these recordings,s you must have written consent from the individuals being recorded before recording them.

So, you will want to keep this in mind when deciding if having a security system with audio is right for you. – Montavue.


What are the best entry door locks?

Most locks can be divided into low or high security. The need will be determined by the location and what you are willing or able to pay for the lock.

Our two favorite low-security locks are Kwikset’s SmartKey and the Schlage deadbolt. The former is an excellent lock because it is affordable and nearly pick-proof.

Not only that, but you can also rekey the lock on your own without needing to call a professional to do it for you. Meanwhile, the Schlage lock provides a sturdy, hard-to-pick lock at a better price.

When it comes to high-security locks, two of the best options on the market are the deadbolts made by Mul-T-Lock and Medeco.- A Lenny Locksmith.


What are the best places to place indoor cameras throughout your home?  

The best places to place indoor cameras in your home are those places where you have the highest chance of catching an intruder red-handed.

Front and rear doors are the most likely entry point for burglars, so make sure you have indoor cameras pointed in that direction.

If any of these cameras detect motion when nobody is home, you can get a notification on your mobile device along with a snapshot or video clip. You can then call law enforcement if required.

Windows are the other potential entry method for burglars—place cameras to cover windows that are not easily visible from the street.

Garage doors: if you park vehicles there or lead to the inside of the house.

Visible indoor cameras can also serve as an effective deterrent. But there is a risk that a burglar may try to destroy or steal your camera before retreating. 

Good hiding spots for cameras are inside empty sections of bookcases, shelving units, or another place where the camera can easily blend in.

Then, even if a burglar manages to get away, there is a good chance that at least one of your strategically placed cameras would capture some identifying feature that the police can use. – Vaudeville.


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